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Their latest collaboration is no exception thanks to Bandier, you can now get your sweat on while wearing contemporary art. (Want to Double Your Fitness Wardrobe? Try These Reversible Workout Clothes.)Just in time for Art Basel, which kicks off Friday in Miami, the retailer’s newest collaboration puts the work of Art Basel artists Christopher Lee Sauv, Malarko Hernandez, and Upendo Taylor on some of the store’s most beloved brands, including Reebok, Strut This, and Ultracor. Each brand was paired with one artist to create a separate capsule collection together, they’re totally different from anything you’ve seen in activewear before.The uniquely playful and quirky pieces, which include everything from apparel to a yoga mat, might seem a little “out there” for your average gym class, but the collection is “all about being irreverent” and “not being afraid to make a statement,” Ultracor owner Michael Ball said in a press release.

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